Nutrient Profiling Scoring Calculator

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FSANZ’s Nutrient Profiling Scoring Calculator is a tool to help food manufacturers determine whether a food will meet the Nutrient Profiling Scoring Criterion (NPSC).

FSANZ's Nutrient Profiling Scoring Calculator has moved to a new platform in August 2023 that uses the latest technology. Whilst it may have a different look and feel, its functionality and outputs remain the same.

Standard 1.2.7 – Nutrition, Health and Related Claims of the Australia New Zealand Food Standards Code requires a food to meet the NPSC before a health claim can be made. Foods making particular types of nutrition content claims (e.g. claims about glycaemic index, glycaemic load, or ‘diet’) are required by Schedule 4 of the Code to meet the NPSC.

Standard 1.3.2 - Vitamins and Minerals of the Food Standards Code does not permit the addition of vitamin D as a nutritive substance to a breakfast cereal unless that breakfast cereal as sold meets the NPSC.

The calculator follows a step-by-step process to calculate a food’s nutrient profiling score. To use the calculator, information on the amount of energy and certain nutrients (e.g. saturated fat, sugars, sodium) present in the food is required. Some preliminary calculations also have to be made before using the calculator (e.g. about the amount of fruit or vegetables in the food). These requirements are identified as you advance through the calculator and are further described in documents linked from the calculator pages.

Standard 1.2.7 sets out the legal requirements that apply for making a health claim. Schedule 5 of the Code details the method for determining a food’s nutrient profiling score. The NPSC food categories and the criterion to use to determine if a food’s nutrient profiling score meets the NPSC are set out in Schedule 4.

Further assistance:

Further information on the NPSC can be found at:

Comments or questions about the calculator or the NPSC can be forwarded to FSANZ via our contact us page.


FSANZ would like to thank those organisations and individuals who have contributed to the production of this service.

In particular, in developing the Nutrient Profiling Scoring Calculator, FSANZ relied upon research funded by the UK Food Standards Agency (UK FSA) in developing its own nutrient profiling model. FSANZ gratefully acknowledges permission given by UK FSA for FSANZ to use and adapt the UK Nutrient Profiling Model. FSANZ also acknowledges that development of the UK Model was based on extensive work undertaken by Professor Mike Rayner and his colleagues.

To use the calculator, you must first read and agree to its terms of use set out in the Licence Agreement.